Exercise Pick of the Day – Modified Deadlift

Deadlift Different

Today! I’m highlighting the Modified Deadlift

Using the T-Bar Row

Exercise Type – Strength

Muscles Worked – Hamstrings

Secondary Muscles Worked – Glutes

Equipment : T-Bar Row Machine

Type of Exercise : Compound Movement

Level : Intermediate to Advanced

The How-To Perform a Romanian Deadlift

  1. Hold a bar at hip level with your palms facing down.  Rotate  your shoulders back. Arch your back slightly and bend your knees.
  2. Lower the bar by moving your butt back as far as you can. Keep the bar close to your body, your head looking forward, and your shoulders back. Lower the bar just below the knee (you should feel a slight pull in your hamstrings.
  3. Return to the starting (standing) position and squeeze your glutes as you bring the bar back up to stand up tall.

If you do not have a T-Bar row machine available, you can perform this exercise with any standard barbell, weighted appropriately (not too heavy) in order to keep your form correct.

Why I like this movement?

Performing the Romanian Deadlift with a T-Bar Row apparatus can increase the tension and focus on your hamstrings and glutes, while reducing tension and fatigue with your lower back compared to using a barbell for the same exercise.

I think sometimes in training, we get stuck in a rut (just like we can in anything) and having someone like Teresa show how to use equipment and modify it so that your muscles are constantly being confused and worked in different ways is a highlight and feature of her aggressive style of training. It does and is getting results and for that reason, I’ve picked this awesome exercise


Romanian Deadlift Using the T-bar Row Machine


Until tomorrow! — Here’s me! Performing the modified deadlift at my personal best. 75 pound deadlift that I dropped three times for a total dropset of 20 reps between the 3 plate drops.  You can really feel the burn in the glutes on this one.

Hugs and Love,

Jenn @ Do You Bake?

PS : Follow our exercise routines on Teresa Bragado’s Instagram Feed! and don’t forget to check out CRAVE IT newly launched Instagram feed too!

Remember! Before starting any workout routine, any new movement or exercise consult with your physician and a certified personal trainer to prevent any strain or or injury.


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