Ditch the Food Guilt

ditch the food guilt

From our Dietician’s Corner..

I don’t like seeing recipes labeled “guilt-free.” It makes no sense. Is it ok to feel guilty about what we eat? Why should enjoying food be a source of guilt? When we talk about “guilt-free” foods, it implies there are foods we should feel guilty about eating.

Too often when we are offered a “guilt-free” dessert, we feel like we can eat more.  After all, it is a freebie.  Does it make you feel guilty when you eat a food you have labeled as “bad”? Are you ashamed or angry at yourself? Or do you simply enjoy the tastes, textures, and flavors? It’s food. Why give your power away to a cookie?

We make ourselves feel guilty about exercise as well. Don’t skip a workout because you’ve only got 10 minutes – take a walk around the block or grab your free weights for a quick arm workout. The guilt is gone, plus you are creating a habit.  If you don’t make it to your gym class, don’t skip the rest of the week.  Realize that life sometimes changes your plans, and start again tomorrow.

Those things that we say to ourselves about our food choices may be doing more harm than we realize.

Here are some things we should stop saying to ourselves:

  1. I was bad today. Do not allow judgment to enter into your eating vocabulary. Guilt and deprivation are emotional triggers for overeating, This mindset often leads to a cycle of eating-repenting-repeating. Eat for both nourishment and enjoyment.
  2. I shouldn’t eat this. Enjoy your meal, without thinking about how much more you will have to exercise to burn it off or whether or not you will need to skip your next meal or snack to make up for the calories you are eating. This only makes you feel like exercise is a punishment and that you have to earn the right to eat.
  3. I really blew it. Get rid of those thoughts of perfection out of your head. It’s often the all-or-nothing approach that leads to overindulgence and guilt. Let’s change our self-talk to, “I ate too much at dinner tonight. No big deal, I’m going to pay more attention to what I’m eating at the next meal by savoring each bite.”
  4. I’ll start over on Monday. Why do we have to wait until the beginning of the week to start eating healthy? One decadent meal or indulgence doesn’t ruin the whole week. Maybe you ate more than you planned on, move on. Get back on track at your next meal or snack.
  5. I deserve this. As a human being, you deserve to eat. Enjoying a sweet treat after a not-so-sweet day once in a while is normal. However, be aware if you find yourself turning to food often as a way to reward yourself or numb painful feelings.  Negative emotions are helpful because they tell you there’s a problem that needs attention.  Food won’t solve your problems and using food to reward yourself can  lead to a cycle of shame, blame and dieting.
  6. I can’t stop eating sugar…or whatever your food of choice might be. This self-talk becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You are telling your brain how to behave.  Don’t give certain foods power over you.  Remind yourself that you can make good decisions about eating, then move forward  mindfully.
  7. I simply can’t control my appetite. Remember those Chinese finger puzzles that you would get your fingers stuck in? The more you struggle, the harder it gets. Relax when eating and believe in your ability to make good choices. Think about what you feel like eating and add a little nutrition knowledge to consider what your body may need.

Enjoy your food and eat mindfully…without guilt.  Don’t think that your food choices are all wrong.  Enjoy every mouthful. Eating guilt-free is knowing you’re eating right 80 percent of the time so that treats are just that – treats.  When you savor every mouthful you will eliminate guilt because you’re not bingeing and then feeling bad.

’til next time!

Love and Hugs,

Carinne, Dietician with CRAVE IT


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