Comments on: The Topic No One Likes To Talk About – Weight Real Food, Real Activity, Real People Wed, 02 Mar 2016 12:01:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jennifer @ DYB Wed, 02 Mar 2016 12:01:14 +0000 Heather! thanks so much for sharing your struggle. I think its more common than we realize and I think its one of those things no one likes to talk about and we all live in this silent fear. I think we sometimes focus too much on the scale (I do, still to this day) and we fail to realize that all ‘weight’ is not created equally. I am much healthier and look much more proportionate as I gain weight / muscle mass than as compared to when I started and I am still approximately 6 pounds heavier than when I began this journey. I am glad you shared your experience because I think the more we talk about it, the more I truly hope other women (I yes say women, because I think we are the ones that live in this silent fear more often) can learn from all of our shared experiences and know they are not alone.


By: Heather Tue, 01 Mar 2016 02:03:56 +0000 I share your struggles…..although I train people every day as a PTS and have given them the “trust the process” speech when they want to understand why the # on the scale hasn’t gone down, I personally still find it hard to “trust the process”. I can train like a beast, follow any regiment of cardio and weights and macros etc., when I weigh in every week I shudder when I don’t see a smaller number on the scale. There have been weeks where I would gain 5 lbs yet feel tighter. Despite the smaller size of my body that darn number on the scale wasn’t telling me the same story. The reality when I do an accurate body fat calculation was that, for one particular week I actually had a 4lb fat loss with a 5lb lean mass weight gain for a net affect of 1lb gain on that dam scale. This is not a sport for the faint of heart, it takes alot of mental preparedness and determination. It can be a mind f@ck if you let it get to you….surround yourself with like minded driven people to support you and trust in those that are there to get you to where you want to go….cheers
